Monday, July 20, 2009

ほら朝よ。おきておきて。 (Activity # 8)

Morphology refers to shape or structure. Just as the title implies, morphological operations for image processing shall be the focus of this activity. So what is it used for? Shapes can be expanded or thinned, holes can be closed, and disconnected blobs can be joined.

It makes use of the Set Theory. It makes use of the shape, as well as a structuring element for the direction of its growth or reduction. However, for our purposes, we only need to focus on the concepts of Dilation and Erosion.

Dilation results in an expansion of the shape following the morphology of the structuring element.

Erosion results in a reduction of the shape following the morphology of the structuring element.

In this activity, there was predicting involved. However, for the most part, you won't really see explanations. It's pictures galore once again. xD

Original Images:

Structuring Element (4x4 ones):

Structuring Element (2x4 ones):

Structuring Element (4x2 ones):

Structuring Element (cross):

This is probably the most tedious activity ever. So without further ado, I get a 10.

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